The purpose of process validation is to ensure that all reprocessing steps, from point of use reprocessing to storage before use, are effectively and reproducibly executed. As it is not possible to individually control the sterility of each medical device, process validation is the only way to minimize the risk of a non sterile product.
International standards define validation as the documented procedure for obtaining, recording and interpreting the results required to establish that a process will consistently yield product complying with predetermined specifications
A prerequisite to validation is to design each reprocessing step according to a risk based approach (see quality management).
Validation observation and data are objectively collected and evaluated to ensure that consistent and reliable levels of quality are obtained.
Process validation includes the qualification of the equipments used by the process. Qualifications of equipment consist of installation qualification (IQ) , operational qualification (OQ) and performance qualifications (PQ).
- Installation qualification (IQ) is intended to confirm that the services associated with the equipment (water, electricity, etc.) and any accessories and safety devices are installed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
- Operational qualification (OQ) is carried after successful IQ. It verifies that the equipment performs according to manufacturer specifications.
- Performance qualification (PQ) takes place after successful IQ and OQ on an equipment in routine operating conditions. All factors that may have an influence (operators and environment) are taken into account
Requalification takes place at predefined periodicity (often yearly) or after a major event (e.g. relocation, major modification or breakdown of an equipment used by the process).
Routine controls and maintenance of equipment ensure that process effectiveness is maintained over time.
Some routine controls are performed at each cycle, other are scheduled at defined periodicity (daily, weekly, monthly quarterly). Preventive maintenance calendar is according to equipment manufacturer recommendations.
International standards propose validation plans for sterilizers, automated washer-disinfectors and packaging. No ISO framework exists for manual cleaning and ultrasonic baths but principles defined for automated washer-disinfectors validation may be adapted.
Process validation operations are adapted to need and locally available resources
- Requalifications may be simplified compared to initial qualifications (e.g. IQ will not be repeated if the equipment was not relocated).
- Requalification performed after a major event is according to analysis (e.g. a complete IQ will not be necessary if the equipment was not relocated but partial IQ may be required if connection to water or air was modified or repaired).
- Plans proposed by international may be too ambitious for some countries and may be progressively implemented
The validation, routine controls plans define the operations, methods and schedules as well as the responsibilities, training and, as needed, accreditations of the personal in charge.
Documentary verification may be considered as a prerequisite to qualification operations or as being part of IQ.
Validation, requalifications and maintenance operations may be subcontracted by the healthcare facility to the sterilizer manufacturer or a skilled service provider; However the healthcare facility must review and sign the reports. Calibration verifications are usually made during preventive maintenance.
Routine controls are performed by the healthcare facility
Validation principles may be graphically summarized as follows:
Validation routine controls and maintenance of cleaning processes
Cleaning processes can be automated (with washer-disinfectors), manual or assisted by ultrasonic cleaners.
Recommendations for the validation of processes performed in automated washer-disinfectors are proposed by international standards ISO 15883-1 and subsequent parts (2 to 7). There is no ISO suggestion for validations of manual cleaning and ultrasonic cleaners but ISO 15883-1 principles may be adapted.
- Installation qualification (IQ) verifies that the equipments (washer disinfector, ultrasonic bath or manual cleaning workstation) and utilities (power, water, drain, dosing systems etc..), are installed according to manufacturer specifications, that the equipment is safe for use and that all documentation is made available.
- Operational quafication (OQ) verifies chemistry dosing, temperature for thermal washer-disinfector, cavitation for ultrasonic baths, drying, absence of leaks). Controls are visual for visible surface and quantitative (e.g. protein tests) for complex device with hidden surfaces. Test methods, artificial test soils and acceptance criteria are described in international standards (see below).
- Performance qualification (PQ) is performed with actual loads or devices contaminated by clinical use. Validated surrogate devices and test soils may however be used when real devices are difficult to sample. Load or device used for PQ are selected to present the highest cleaning challenge for a given family. Controls are visual for external surfaces, carriers and loads and quantitative for complex devices with hidden surfaces. Test methods, artificial test soils and acceptance criteria are described by international standards (see below).
Test methods, and acceptance criteria for tests soils used for OQ and PQ are described in international standard ISO 15883-5 (see below)
ISO 15883-1 and subsequent part propose validation for automated washer-disinfectors (Thermal or chemical, critical and semi-critical or non critical devices).
Operational and Performance requalifications are commonly annual.
An example of validation and routine control plan for thermal washer-disinfectors is displayed below. This example is based upon ISO 15883 and may be adapted by applicable guidelines or in accordance to locally available resources.
An example of manual cleaning process validation inspired by ISO 15883-1 and ISO 15883-5 may be as follows:
Validation of ultrasonic cleaning baths must be adapted to the use of the type and objective of the ultrasonic cleaning process.
- If the ultrasonic bath is used in preparation to manual cleaning, it will be considered as a preparation to manual cleaning process and cleaning efficacy control do not have to be performed.
- If the ultrasonic bath is the final stage before disinfection or sterilization of the Medical device the procedure should be according to ultrasonics system features.
Cavitations test can be performed using:· An aluminum foil (according to the international technical rule IEC / TR 60886: 1987-03), Assessment of the effectiveness of the waves is according to the deteriorations and perforations observed in the aluminum foil. This test is only indicative and is not reproducible,· commercialized colorimetric tests,· ultrasonic analyzer,· cavitometer.
An example of a validation plan for ultrasonic bath may be as follows: